Welcome to the Next Gen Youth Club
Just what the Next Gen ordered.
NGYC is an inclusive youth club designed to cater for an oft-neglected and overlooked group in our communities. With dedicated volunteers and a comprehensive programme, we provide a safe space where young people aged 11-16 can learn, develop and be empowered. Building friendships and gaining knowledge in a fun and educational environment, we are committed to nurturing and encouraging the young leaders of the future.

When and where does the NGYC take place?
Launching on 25th April 2020,
Next Gen will take place on Saturdays from 10:30am-1pm at The Hive Women’s Centre, 2 Victoria Road, Barking, IG11 8PY.
What Programmes does the NGYC offer?
We offer a three-part holistic approach that endeavours to accommodate and fulfil three crucial aspects of any well-rounded young adult; their spiritual well-being, their social and mental well-being, and their physical well-being.
The three core modules of NGYC…
Faith & Practice
Taking inspiration from stories from the Quran and Sunnah, young people are encouraged to consider how the values, morals and lessons learnt, are applicable to modern day and their daily lives.
Exploring topical issues and challenges affecting young people today, our members have a unique opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and express their views and opinions.
We organise fun activities where our young people are able to get active and/or express their creativity by engaging in recreational activities from ats and crafts to sports and games.