In August 2018, severe floods affected the South Indian state of Kerala due to unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season. It was the worst flood in Kerala in nearly a century. Over 483 people died, and a million were evacuated.
One-sixth of the total population of Kerala was directly affected by the floods and related incidents. The Indian government declared it a calamity of a severe nature.
Heavy rains in Wayanad caused severe landslides and left the hilly districts isolated and people homeless. Al Madina Mosque working with contacts on the ground identified families in need and provided immediate financial assistance
for food and clothing. Once the floods had receded, the full extent of devastation became apparent and on behalf of the mosque’s community, we began building from the ground up a new home for one family.
Additionally, Al Madina has also built homes in Pakistan and renovated homes for the poor in Indonesia.
Providing essential accommodation will continue to be at the forefront of our welfare programme and we welcome partners and proposed projects.